The Language and Cognition Lab at Koç University ( investigates the relation between language and various thinking processes using multiple populations (children, adults, brain injured patients) and methodologies (e.g., looking time-eye tracking, act-out tasks, linguistic analyses). In particular, our developmental studies focus on how children learn their native language, what the precursors are for learning relational language (verbs and prepositions), and how other modalities such as gesture interact with these processes. Additionally, our new line of research examines the development of aesthetic preferences in a cross-cultural perspective. Our adult cognitive studies examine the interaction of language with multiple domains such as time perception, time-space interaction, and motion events. In most of our research questions, we closely examine the role of gestures in thinking, communicating, and executing information. In this line of research, we also investigate the questions related to understanding and comprehending gestures. See the Research and Publications pages to learn the details of our studies!

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